3 Simple Solutions to Help Prevent Food Waste
Posted by Melanie Green on May 8th 2023

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Food waste is a global problem that has to be addressed. In fact, approximately one-third of all food produced worldwide is lost or wasted every year. However, there are many ways to prevent food waste, and these solutions don’t have to be expensive at all. Here are three simple solutions to help prevent food waste.
Store Food Properly
For some, it might seem like the easiest way to prevent food waste is to buy in bulk. However, storing your groceries properly can help you save money and prevent food loss or spoilage.
First, you should keep your refrigerator at a temperature of 40 degrees Fahrenheit or below. Many people don't realize that 40 degrees Fahrenheit is the ideal temperature for food storage and the colder temperatures slow down bacterial growth.
Secondly, make sure to have plenty of air circulation in your refrigerator so it doesn't stay damp.
Avoid Buying Too Much Food
It’s easy for people to buy more food than they need, especially when it comes to things like produce. This is true for restaurant buyers and consumers. It’s important to remember that you don’t have to buy everything you see. Additionally, you should only buy what they need. The key is planning ahead so that all food is used.
Stop Food Waste At The Source
The first solution is to know your food waste. This means knowing where your food is going, how much you have on hand, when it will be gone, and what ingredients are likely to go bad soon. It's easy to get overwhelmed trying to plan ahead for all the different aspects of food waste, but this knowledge will allow you to prevent some of it before it happens.
Serve Appropriate Portion Sizes
One way to reduce food waste is to serve appropriate portion sizes. In many cases, food waste happens because there is far too much to each on the plate. This is especially true in countries like the United States, where portion sizes have increased dramatically. Instead, reduce your portion sizes to an appropriate level for a dish. This will depend on how filling that dish is expected to be, as heavy foods may be more filling.
Offer Takeout Packaging
If your portion sizes are large, offer customers a way to take their food with them and eat it later. To-go packaging makes this easy, especially when you use it as your serving dish. Packaging with optional lids makes it simple for customers to pack up whatever they do not finish and take it with them, reducing the chances that food will go to waste.
Knowing what types of food waste you typically have can help with both short-term and long-term solutions. When you know how much food you have on hand and when it will be gone, you'll also know how much food needs to be purchased for the next week or month—and not just during the busy season. This helps businesses plan more effectively and saves a lot of money on food costs.