How Green Packaging Makes a Difference for Corporate Catering Customers

How Green Packaging Makes a Difference for Corporate Catering Customers

Posted by Melanie Green on Sep 18th 2019

Appetizer Trays

Corporations these days are focused on providing value to the community, including finding eco-friendly ways of doing business. One of the ways that they do this is to partner with companies that also take a green approach to their operations. Since your restaurant offers catering services, you can attract or retain those customers by choosing environmentally-friendly packaging options for your catering services. Here is how green packaging makes a difference for corporate catering customers.

Shared Eco-Friendly Values

Wood Serving Trays

For many companies, having eco-friendly practices is a part of their core values. As younger generations start or take leadership positions at large companies, they tend to steer companies toward socially-conscious policies like helping the environment. Your corporate catering customers likely have some form of eco-friendly values and are looking for business partners that share similar values.

As a caterer, you can embrace the eco-friendly philosophies that your customers are looking for by using green products. Your catering services likely use a lot of materials that can be replaced by green options. For example, you can replace your catering trays with these green trays. They are made out of materials like sugarcane and bamboo, which are entirely compostable. The more you can implement green materials in your services, the more likely you are to keep customers that want to help the environment.

Positive Internal Advertising

Serving Platters

Many companies choose business partners with green material practices because it reinforces the company’s focus on helping the environment. Your catering service can serve as a source of positive internal advertising during catering events. The more your customers’ employees see eco-friendly materials being used, the more invested they become in the company and its core values.

A Better Public Image

Takeout Containers

Along the same lines of internal advertising, choosing your catering services since you use eco-friendly materials also gives your customers a better public image. To their customers, your customers are trying to effect positive change in the world, even in areas where they don’t turn a profit. You could be helping your customers improve their public image and connect with their customers, which means that they will be more likely to continue working with you.

It doesn’t matter to what extent the green options go. You could choose to use large green items like serving platters, or go deeper with small items like sandwich picks. Every step you make towards an entirely green catering service helps you stand out with your customers.

Lower Environmental Impact


Ultimately, one of the most important aspects of working with your green catering services is to give your customers a lower environmental impact. Not all companies try to capitalize on being green, but many are willing to support green initiatives from their business partners as a way of preventing harm to the environment. When your company chooses products like these kraft meal trays, you are giving other companies a chance to support a green initiative just by choosing you as their caterer.

PacknWood carries a wide selection of green food packaging options that you can use for your corporate catering customers. Our takeout containers combine presentation with quality constructions to leave a positive and lasting impression. To learn more about our line of green food packaging, email us at to request a catalog.


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