How to Remove Mold From Baking Molds
Posted by Melanie Green on May 16th 2022

SKU: 210NBAKE1238
Reusable baking pans have several potential problems that they can develop over time, one of which is mold. Exposure to water and heat can cause mold to grow on the surface of your pans and in little crevices. Mold can be extremely dangerous to people if eaten, which is why it is so important that you get all of the mold off when it is found. Here is how to remove mold from baking molds.
Kill Mold First
The first thing you should do when you find mold on a baking mold is kill it. The easiest way to do this is to boil water and pour it over the moldy area on the pan. Boiling water will kill the exposed mold spores and cause them to go away, so that they do not spread.
You can also kill mold with heat. By heating your pans enough, it can kill the mold on them. This is a good way to get a deeper clean of your pans once every few months.
Remove All Water
Once the mold is dead, it is critical to remove all of the water that was used to kill it. One way to do this is to pour an entire cup of vinegar and water mixture in the pan and let it sit for a few hours. The vinegar will kill any mold spores that remained and help remove any surface mold that may be there.
Gently Scrub the Mold Away
You will need to gently scrub the inside of the pan to get all of the mold off. A dish detergent and some hot soapy water will be perfect for this. Gently scrub the bottom of the pan while using a sponge or some kind of rag. Be extra careful while scrubbing since you don't want to scratch the pan.
Use soft sponges to clean your pans. Harder sponges can scratch the coating off of pans and create a perfect space for mold to latch onto. Use any of your favorite methods of washing your baking pans.
Using Cleaning Products
Once you have removed all of the mold and taken care of any exposed spores, you can clean your pan with a few cleaning products. First, spray some vinegar on a sponge and use it to clean out any remaining mold spores that may be left behind.
Switch to Single-Use Restaurant Items
You can prevent mold from forming on your cookware by switching to eco-friendly single-use items. For example, switching to PacknWood’s eco-friendly baking molds. They can be used for cooking and service without taking any extra steps. It is an effective way to control costs by eliminating the need for separate display containers.
Mold can be dangerous when it comes to cooking. Make sure that your food is safe by taking time to remove mold periodically and take action to prevent it in the first place.
Make the switch to PacknWood’s eco-friendly single-use restaurant supplies. They are not around long enough to grow mold, and you can ditch them when they are done being used. Contact PacknWood through our 24/7 chat service for more information and for help making the transition to our supplies.