
Original Skewers: LUKA Bamboo Double Pick with Adjustable Ball

Posted by Adam Merran on Aug 27th 2013

When it comes to skewers, you might think that you have seen it all and that there is no way to be very original. A skewer is just used to hold pieces of food together, right?


Think again, because there are actually many way to be different and original and to separate yourself from your competition just by the use of skewers. Used for garnishes on cocktails or to display food at parties and catering event, and also great for creative meals and food display, picks and skewers have many uses and it is only up to you to make the best out of it.

Now you might ask yourself how different from each other can those skewers be. And the answer is easy: very different! Whether it is a matter of size, shape, color or material, possibilities are endless! You can choose from classy crystal picks to sea horse shaped bamboo pick or simply go for design and colorful bamboo picks but the particular skewer we are going to talk about now is much more original and most people have never really seen them.

LUKAMeet the “LUKA” Bamboo Double Pick with Adjustable Ball! How is this cute bamboo skewer so different from the other ones? It’s all about the adjustable ball. Not only it is a double pick that can allow you to have two the amount of food you can have on regular skewers but the adjustable ball also helps you to secure you food; move the ball down to close the two picks together and prevent your food to fall off!

And another great think about this skewer is that it is available in two colors. Chose the “LUKA” Pick with Natural Adjustable Ball or the “LUKA” Pick with Red Adjustable Ball and turn your event a colorful and fun moment!

Plus, the “LUKA” double prong is made of natural and Eco-friendly bamboo and their new design will catch your guests’ attention!

See, you can always find new ways to be more original than your competition while providing functionality to your guests and clients!

Check out other pick and skewer options at 


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